
Late fall, late afternoon, along a creek in southeastern Pennsylvania. I just loved the way the late afternoon light cut across the woods and through the trees. I started this on location and finished in the studio.
Late fall, late afternoon, along a creek in southeastern Pennsylvania. I just loved the way the late afternoon light cut across the woods and through the trees. I started this on location and finished in the studio.
These beautiful azaleas line the edge of a former mill race in Taylor Arboretum in southeastern Pennsylvania.
全新 Mercedes-Benz A-Class 登陆大马,入门22万伖吉起 ...:2021-6-12 · 2021 Mercedes-Benz A200 Progressive Line Mercedes-Benz Malaysia终于在今天于本地发布了全新伕号W177的A-Class,来到第四伕的新A-Class在本地暂时只有两个等级,分别 ...
This old tree has been hanging on while the meandering creek has gradually undermined its roots. The reflections and fall leaves drew me to the scene.
This old cabin sits alongside a creek on the property of a historic mill.
A little flash back to summer days, as a historic railroad bridges crosses a sunlit river.
This interestingly shaped tree is in an arboretum not far from where I live. There was just enough snow covering to bring out the contrast between the white surface and the colors and texture of the tree limbs and bushes.
This is an original painting in gouache (opaque watercolor), roughly 5 x 7” (13 x 18 cm), not framed.
Delighted to have this painting, “Creek at the Willows”, accepted into the Philadelphia Watercolor Society’s 118th International Exhibition of Works on Paper.
The show will be at the Wayne Art Center in Wayne, PA from October 14 to November 20, 2018. Artists’ reception Sunday, October 21st, 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
Saying goodbye to Winter. This beautiful old tree is near the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington. I started this in the winter and finished up in the studio in the spring.
This painting was painted as part of the Plein Air Brandywine Valley event. It sold tonight at the opening. This is the Brandywine River at the point called “Big Bend”, painted from the bank at the Weymouth Estate.
This Yellowwood tree is one of the oldest trees in America’s oldest botanical garden, Bartram’s Garden in Philadelphia. It was damaged in a storm in 2010, but survived and is still growing.
This little stone house is a remnant of a historic mill complex that once existed along Ridley Creek in southeastern PA. It’s now occupied, even though it sits in the middle of a state park. I was there just as the late afternoon sun was cutting through the trees.
Shade and dappled sun through fall leaves on a hillside in Pennsylvania.
These rocks in a park near my house have always look like they tumbled into the creek at some point long ago — long long ago.
This old stone bridge over a small creek once provided access to an estate; it’s now part of a park not far from where I live in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
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The Brandywine River passes through Wilmington, Delaware in a beautiful park called Josephine Gardens. The river widens here, and is strewn with rocks; old trees line the banks.
TCL2021秋季新品驰骋“万物互联”时伕:2021-10-23 · 2021-10-23 本刊记者 彭心冬 点击: 322 李东生一身戈行服在新品发布会上 9 月 28 日,“ 2021 TCL 秋季新品发布会”在深圳召开。 除了有在 IFA 上大展光彩的 QLED2.0 量子点电视、Xess 移动大屏、GO PLAY、GO WATCH、全新法式四门和对开四门风健康冰箱外,C1 超薄曲面电视、TV+ 内容平台、幸福医生 2.0、智能空调 ...
This beautiful small creek passes through several parks here in southeastern Pennsylvania. Gouache on Arches 140 lb watercolor paper.
I didn’t have to go far for this one; I set up my pochade box at the end of my driveway, where these peonies sit in the shade of grape vines that wind through the fence.
Gouache on Stillman & Birn Zeta series paper.
What was at one time a mill race is now an azalea-liined trail through an arboretum near where I live in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Gouache on Arches 140 lb watercolor paper.
财务英语英汉对照表 (A) - MBA智库百科:2021-7-19 · Acquisition excess盘购超支 Acquisition price 购置价格 Acquisition surplus 盘购盈余 Acquittance 债务清偿,清偿收据 Across-the-board 全面调整,全盘调整 Across-the-board price change全面调整商品价格 Across-the-board tariff change 全面调整关税税率
宇宙微波背景辐射:创世的第一缕曙光_网易订阅:2021-2-25 · 出品:科普中国 制作:中科院物理所科学传播协会 监制:中国科学院计算机网络信息中心 (图片来源:ifa.hawaii.edu) 创世的第一缕曙光 神说:要有光。于是创世38万年后,终于有了光。 1964年,贝尔实验室的工程师 Arno ...
These beautiful magnolias are a variety that come out earlier then others, and earlier than most other flowering trees in the area. They always put on an early spring show.
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This beautiful dawn redwood looks striking at any time of year. It’s in an arboretum near where I live in southeastern Pennsylvania. The Dawn Redwood, or Metasequoia, is native to China. It’s been planted here in a relatively sheltered area of the arboretum. This one is perhaps 3 ft in diameter toward the base, and maybe 80 ft high.
Still some color in the woods, in a state park in Pennsylvania.
Rocks and branches in a creek in southeastern PA.
Trees at the edge of the woods as fall starts to show it colors.
会计专业名词词汇大全中英文对照 - 豆丁网:2021-6-3 · 会计专业名词词汇大全中英文对照
Tool shed at a historic mill in Pennsylvania.
Two 19th century railroad bridges cross the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia.
Trees along the banks of Little Darby Creek as it winds through the park at The Willows in southeastern Pennsylvania.
This painting is oil on Arches Oil Paper. It can be matted and framed under glass like a watercolor, or a framer can mount it to a panel and frame it like a regular oil painting.
Trees along the creek bank in early spring.
c开头的词根_百度文库:2021-6-30 · c开头的词根_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。C 开头的词根 cad, cas, cid=fall,表示“落下,降临” casual 偶然的(cas+ual→落下的→不是安排好的→偶然的) casualty 事故;灾难(casual+ty→[突然
财务英语英汉对照表 (A) - MBA智库百科:2021-7-19 · Acquisition excess盘购超支 Acquisition price 购置价格 Acquisition surplus 盘购盈余 Acquittance 债务清偿,清偿收据 Across-the-board 全面调整,全盘调整 Across-the-board price change全面调整商品价格 Across-the-board tariff change 全面调整关税税率